All Pups are $2850. The initial deposit is $350.00. Your Deposit is refundable within 1 year of your Deposit Date if we have been unable to produce your pup. We will also refund your deposit if special circumstances have come up for you and you are unable to receive a pup. The only time we do not refund your deposit is when you obtain a pup elsewhere within the 1 year period. An administrative fee will be deducted.

You can tell us your Pup Litter Choice through the Pup De ’PAW’ sits page in the DETAILS section at Check-out! Once, you feel comfortable with the litter and placement, you can place your $350.00 deposit through our Pup De ’PAW’ sits. Or, you can call, email or text us directly at (719) 661-1422 to determine the Litter Paring (ie., WILLOW x BULLET) availability and placement (your pick#) from the litter you wish your pup to be whelped.

All credit cards accepted.

Reminder, you do not have to place your deposit through the Pup De ’PAW’ sits. You can always call us and place over the phone as well. This is just another way we have set up payments for your convenience.

Discounts are available at Whelp, Visits, and near Release with additional payments towards your pup.

All Pups pictured below…. are of our Heatherdowns Pups!